Becca's Written and Spoken Words

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Here is a sampling of Rebecca's Written Words 

Additional Written Words can be read below:

Becca and Herb
Dear Mama
Has This Ever Happened to You? 

A Cruel White World 

Oh what a cruel white world we live in
Some people are encourage to commit sin
They allow Ku Klux Klan to freely roam about
Yet when blacks defend themselves others shout

From the White House all the way to Soweto
Racism festers like a giant malignant sore
Bites deep like blood-thirsty mosquito
Then repeats the cycle some more

Even during the war in the Persian Gulf
Black men and women still had it rough
Black soldiers numbered many among races
Yet on TV we saw only white soldiers' faces

And what about our black inventors
History stole our brilliant mentors
Then complain about blacks on welfare
When the system was designed to put them there

I'm appalled at seeing so many white cops
When I look around it's the Brothers they stop
They arrest black men and throw them in jail
While releasing white men on technicality or bail

And let us not forget black men with money
Thinking they are beating the system
By marrying the white honeys
Most of them have toil to gain success
Yet brainwashed to give it back for less

So once again I emphatically say
Oh what a cruel white world we live in today
Black and Brown still struggling for equality
Because some white men think they’re superior to me.
By: Rebecca McFadden
From her book: “Strong Enough for a Man” 

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Lola Boom, Sabrina and the Broom 

While sitting in my college dormitory room, known to be safe, with door wide
opened to air out the place; skinny Sabrina walked by my room with a look of
concern on her face. For some reason she was carrying a big broom in her hand.
And to my amazement, she was headed for Lola Boom’s room. I said to myself,
“Great Day in the Morning!” I wonder if Sabrina knows that two-ton Lola Boom
has a dark side to her personality. Frankly speaking; I would NEVER unnerve
her! And if I did, I would definitely make sure I had a reliable backup, and a safety
net behind that.
Suddenly I heard a very noisy commotion disturbing my routine. Sabrina shouted
out loud upon entering Lola Boom’s room, “You borrowed my book! And you
never returned it! You are going to Give Me My Book Right Now!”
Lola Boom thunderously yelled back at pitiful-looking Sabrina, “I Killed Once!
And I Will Kill Again!” I knew Lola Boom was speaking the truth, because she
told me she had previously killed a woman. That’s why I was extra nice to her so
she wouldn’t have any reason to kill me.
Then I heard a loud terrifying scream. It sounded like the word “HELP!” followed
by the pitter-patter of Sabrina’s tiny feet speed running, like she had just gotten
beaten for stealing something from her mom that she should not have taken.
Had I blinked, I would have missed Sabrina’s arms swaying erratically high in the
air, even though I still felt the breeze from her skinny little knees sprinting so fast
past my dormitory door. And right behind her, in a too close for comfort chase,
was Lola Boom with her arm in a knock-you-out raise.
I assume, during their emotional storm, Lola Boom must have muscled Sabrina
down—strong-armed her, and then somehow ended up with her broom.
And the moral of this true story is, to carefully pick your battle. And for God’s
sake, please don’t ever forget to duck and run.

By: Rebecca McFadden

Why Penny Brown Like Me

I know Cryptocurrency and coins have a lot in common, but have you ever wondered “Why the Penny is brown like me?” I think it’s time we wake up—Black people, and take a closer look at the penny. Why is the lowest denomination of America’s currency “Brown like me,” and only worth a measly penny? Why is Abraham Lincoln’s image on a one-cent penny facing right, while the nickel, dime, quarter and Kennedy fifty cent images are all facing left? Is there a hidden message in our money? Well, let’s figure this conundrum out. Abraham Lincoln issued The Emancipation Proclamation declaring slaves their freedom on January 1, 1863. The penny was made legal tender by the Coinage Act of 1864. Lincoln was assassinated in April 1865. Some black folks were still sweating it out in the fields, not knowing they were free, until two-thousand Union soldiers arrived and informed them of their freedom on June 19, 1865. We now celebrate that day and call it Juneteenth. In 1909 Abraham Lincoln was the first American President to be featured on a circulating coin. He was portrayed on the one-cent penny even though he was the 16th President of the United States. In the comment section below please answer “Yes” or “No.” The “Penny” was strategically designed to discriminate against Black people, and to marginalize Abraham Lincoln based on his supporting role in helping to free the slaves.

Queen Nefertiti

Around 1367-1350 BC, a beautiful woman of royalty
Emerged with image of cobra poised to strike on her crown of blue
Today we pay homage to you…
Like diamonds and pearls not your ordinary girl
This Egyptian queen was king accomplished great things
Co-ruled by husband’s side reigned long after he died

Held people transfixed with radiant smile
Captivating dark-brown eyes overseeing small pointed nose
Elegant cheeks that glow with power in the pose
Sexy lips concealing perfect teeth silencing voice so sweet
Strong shoulders slender neck too, we absolutely adore you

Wife of son-worshipping Pharaoh, Amenhotep IV Akhenaten
Blessed with six lovely daughters—oldest Meritaten
Unable to bear son her spouse remarries to have one
Needed heir to throne so royal family could live on
With Nefertiti’s blessing of course they reunited after divorce

Second oldest daughter’s death brought sudden distress
Akhenaten passed away next leaving grief-stricken Nefertiti a mess
Like flowers without bloom both gone too soon
Aging Monarch alone on throne raising husband’s son as own
King Tut wearing daddy’s crown Nefertiti steps down

Third oldest daughter now queen, married own brother it seems
Like bees after the sting, Tutankhaten died as king
Queen of spade took center stage after shedding many tears
Disappeared over the years; her death still a mystery to me
Where in the world is “Great Royal Wife” Queen Nefertiti?

Her beautiful city of Amarna built on desert land
By Ancient Egypt Eighteenth Dynasty’s caring hand
And dedicated to Sun-God Aten started shaking
Hit by sudden destruction and horrendous sound
As Rameses’ army flattened temples to the ground

Monuments and tombs defaced, brilliant history erased
Magnificent hieroglyphics inscription damaged beyond recognition
Like the “Clap of Thunder” Akhenaten’s capital city went under
But Lo and Behold long lives the queen not dead
Her soul is still alive in West Berlin statue head.

By: Rebecca McFadden

"Shower Girl Becca" and the Great Mtume

 “James Mtume Gave Me My Career! He wrote my Greatest Hits.” said Stephanie Mills. And I totally agree with her. Songwriters, James Mtume and Reggie Lucas, wrote “Never Knew Love Like This Before, Two Hearts, Sweet Sensation, What Cha Gonna Do With My Lovin,” just to name a few. They also wrote. “The Closer I Get To You” and “Back Together Again” for Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway. Mtume wrote songs for Phyllis Hyman, R. Kelly, Mary J. Blige, Teddy Pendergrass, Duke Ellington, K-C and Jo-Jo, D’Angelo, and a host of other artists.
At an intimate gathering honoring James Mtume, he shared precious memories with us. He said the “Juicy Fruit Chewing Gum Company” tried to sue him over his song “Juicy Fruit,” featuring Tawatha Agee, even though his song had absolutely nothing to do with chewing gum—it was about oral sex. Once they realized they had no legitimate case against James Mtume, the frivolous lawsuit was withdrawn. His Juicy Fruit song has been sampled over 80 times by some of the biggest artists in the Music Industry, including Biggie Smalls (no Pun intended) and Tamar Braxton.
James Mtume was a championship swimmer as well as Miles Davis band member for five years. Mtume wrote the song track for the TV hit show, “New York Undercover” starring Malik Yoba and Michael DeLorenzo. Many of us still remember Mtume as “The 3rd Answer” on 98.7 KISS FM Radio Show in NY, now 107.5 WBLS, “Open-Line” with Judge Bob Pickett and Radio Legend Bob Slade.
During the merger of the two radio stations, Open-Line Radio segment was cut from two hours to one, forcing Mtume to leave the trio. I wrote him a compassionate letter saying: “You are a precious gem, serendipitously discovered in an archaeological find that will never be forgotten or labelled unworthy of the shine. Your fans will certainly miss you and your profound Mtume-isms.” When it comes to his opinion about the Democratic Party and Republican Party, Mtume said: “Left wing, Right wing, Same Bird.” He posted my letter on his Website right next to Stephanie Mills’ comments. His Managing Agent, Melody Fox, invited me to an intimate gathering honoring James Mtume. I introduced myself to him at that event. He gave me, and several others, a big hug not knowing that I suffer from a mild case of Haphephobia—a fear of touching or being touched.
In my letter, I also told this “Big Fish,” James Mtume, about my ShowerGirl Becca Superheroine idea. I asked permission to name a Superhero after him that would be oozing with Mtume-isms from the brilliancy of James Mtume’s mind. His exact email response to me was:
“Thank you for your poetic acknowledgement. I would be honored to have your Superhero named after me.”
James Mtume

With all that said I, Rebecca McFadden, believe my ShowerGirl Becca Superheroine Big Idea will be a fan’s favorite, especially once properly packaged and promoted. Black Superheroines and Black Superheroes are the “In Thing.” Black Panther is headed for some serious competition from ShowerGirl Becca, and the Great Mtume, because we are the “Perfect Combination.” For those of you who don’t already know, ShowerGirl Becca is an African American Superheroine. She uses her powerful handheld shower nozzle to squirt awesome healing water on people facing helpless horror, while her Superhero—The Great Mtume, rescues people with the brilliancy of his mind through his Mtume-isms. Together they are two Masterminds working as one, to save the human race from the hate that hate produces. 

Becca and Herb 

July 5, 2020
Dear Website Visitor,

What would you do if you were in Becca and Herb’s shoes? Believe it or not—but I, Becca, went to Anchorage, Alaska during my college summer break to visit my brother and his wife. They lived in a cozy house on Fort Richardson military base, and only get about five hours of darkness per night during the month of June. The perfect place for Luther Vandross to take you out tonight—to a movie, to the park, and have you home before it’s dark. On one 80-degree June night, my sister-in-law took me to a classy nightclub, overflowing with handsome soldiers beckoning for our hands in dance. The men far outnumbered the women, and everyone had a funky-good time. One debonair dreamy-eyed soldier, named Herb, got my undivided attention as we danced the night away. And while the sunshiny night remained paused on daylight, we exchanged phone numbers. Herb called me the next day. He promised to come over to see me later that night at my brother’s house. Since Herb was stationed at Fort Richardson on Temporary Duty, without a car, one of his bunkmates told Herb he could use his car for the big date. Herb called me a few minutes before our date to confirm he was still coming—and very much looking forward to it. He called again and said he would be arriving late, because his bunkmate hadn’t returned to the barracks with the car yet. Finally, after waiting for an eternity for his No-show roommate to show up, Herb called me once more again and said he was going to walk to my residence in the rain. My beloved sister-in-law overheard the conversation and she emphatically said: “Your brother and I have two cars outside. You are welcome to use either one of them to pick Herb up, so he won’t have to walk that long distance in the rain.” “NO!” yelled, my brother. “She should NOT pick him up! That would make her appear too desperate. Let him be a man and figure out the best way to get here.” My brother’s wife stood with arms akimbo while rapidly shaking her head and said, “Well, I Disagree! Herb obviously wants to see Becca, and I don’t see anything wrong with her picking him up.” And while they continued butting heads over what Becca should or shouldn’t do, I wondered about the proper line of decorum? And what’s the Lady-like thing to do when facing this kind of dilemma? Is it uncool for a classy lady to pick up a fine man on the first date? I look forward to hearing your spin on things. Until then, Peace Be Unto You. Rebecca McFadden Email: Website:

Dear Mama

Dear Mama, Elizabeth, Happy Mother’s Day! “We Absolutely Adore You” You will always be the best thing that ever happened to my siblings and me, because you first loved us unconditionally. We often reminisce about the many times you woke up early to cook breakfast for the family, in a cold house without heat; yet, somehow you managed to prepare a hearty meal complete. But your generosity of spirit didn’t stop there—from out of your caring hands you planted the most beautiful vegetable garden imaginable to man, and then shared the fruits of your hard labor with our good neighbors. And you did it because your heart was in it. Even though your kindness showed, Old-man, Alzheimer, still didn't play by the golden rule when it came to you. Instead, he stole you away from your offspring during the December Winter Blizzard of 2010, making it difficult for some of us to be by your bedside when you made your heavenly transition home. But please rest assured you were not alone when you took your last and final breath. Several of your beloved children, and family members, were there with you. Bernice said, “It was beautiful.” “Ma often visits me in a dream.” That’s what some of your fifteen children claimed. But I see you smiling at us through the windows of my mind, when I think about the good times we shared at family gatherings, Christmas Day, or while admiring Patricia’s painting of you in the garden. Forever etched in our minds are visions of your keen sense of humor. We still remember several years after daddy died, when cousin, Janie, teasingly called you by your nickname and said, “Miss Allie, Don’t tell me you are looking for a man.” And you politely replied, “Well, I’m not walking around with my eyes closed.” You taught us so many heartfelt life lessons through the years.  You said, “Son—No matter how tall you get, you will always have to look up to your Mama.” “Be careful how you treat people, because one day the bottom rail will be on the top.” “A Fish wouldn’t get caught if he kept his mouth shut.” "Always remember—Success is nothing more than a good idea coupled with hard work.” Thanks for the good advice—Mama. Until we meet again, sleep well in Heaven. You certainly earned your rest. Tell daddy, and other family members there, that we Earthlings said hi. Sincerely, Your children PS: Written by Rebecca representing your beloved children

Has This Ever Happened to You? 

Has This Ever Happened To You?
The Last Slice
My 7th grade teacher, Mr. Shaw, told me to ask my Mom to bake him a fruitcake, and he would pay for the ingredients and her time to make the cake. Of course; my Mom said yes, and baked my teacher an exquisitely flawless fruitcake. It was as magnificent as Antonio Stradivari’s famous million dollar perfect pitch violin—Le Messie. I took the yummy goodness, aromatic fruitcake, loaded with most people’s favorite fresh-raw nuts to school. I smilingly handed over the cake to my teacher, after ignoring several strong urges to eat a slice during my commute to school. As promised, Mr. Shaw kept his word. He gave me the money to give to my Mom for making the fruitcake for him. My teacher took the cake home and shared it with his beloved wife and their only son. According to Mr. Shaw, the fruitcake was umm—umm good, and his family kept eating slice after slice. The poor refrigerator got an attitude and started blowing hot air, because they each opened the door more than thrice. Finally, only one slice remained. My teacher decided that slice belonged to him. So he prepared himself to eat the last and final slice, by making a delicious hot cup of Maxwell House French-Roast, “Good to the last drop,” coffee to complement it. While savoring the moment, with a delightful grin on his chin, my teacher slowly opened the refrigerator’s door to get the last mouth-watering slice of cake. But to his surprise, he got the shock of his life. The last slice was gone and so was his son. Now—I’m not saying the son ate the cake, because I wasn’t there to witness it. But when my teacher finally found his son, he was sitting down smacking. And when he smiled, evidence of fruitcake crumbs was present between his colorful teeth at the scene. Sometimes, “When You’re Slow You Blow.” And someone else will eat the cake forcing you to miss out on a deliciously golden opportunity. So don’t procrastinate like my teacher did, and you will be the lucky one to get a good piece of the action before it magically disappears. By: Rebecca McFadden 11-02-18

Smartly Execute

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Interior Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam iaculis dolor sed mauris sodales laoreet. Integer malesuada leo at mauris dictum tempor vel rhoncus felis. Aenean vitae convallis tortor. Donec et ipsum dui. Quisque imperdiet erat et tincidunt dignissim. Sed ut ante lectus. Aenean nec dolor consectetur, sodales metus a, ultrices mi.

Lighting Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam iaculis dolor sed mauris sodales laoreet. Integer malesuada leo at mauris dictum tempor vel rhoncus felis. Aenean vitae convallis tortor. Donec et ipsum dui. Quisque imperdiet erat et tincidunt dignissim. Sed ut ante lectus. Aenean nec dolor consectetur, sodales metus a, ultrices mi.

Architectural Design

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Rebecca's Written Words 

Rebecca's Review of an event at Nuyorican Poets Cafe

Nuyorican Poets Cafe is located at 236 East 3rd Street (Between B & C Avenues) Manhattan, New York. It is the place where Jazzy people go to get their "Shine on." Several celebrities frequently attend events there. They especially love to see Rome Neal perform his One-Man Show, Monk. Per Rome Neal's request, I wrote a review for his Duets in December Jazz event.  Rome has performed as a special guest at several of our Poet Tree Club events. I, on the other hand, was a featured poet and did a book signing at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe' for Rome Neal's Banana Puddin' Jazz on April 4, 2009. Make sure you read my review to see what you have been missing all these years. See Rome Neal's remark below followed by my review:

Greetings Banana Puddin' Jazz Lovers:

With the work I have to do to put up MONK this week at the Nuyorican for it's five weekend run, I figured I'd be pushing it a bit to write my usual review of the events of the Banana Puddin' Jazz night, so I asked my friend, Rebecca, to write her own review of the evening and here it is, enjoy:

"Here's to Love."

Ain't no doubt about it—I love music; especially, the genre of Jazz. And Saturday night, December 6, 2008, will forever be etched in my mind. I experienced nirvana of the highest kind at the Nuyorican Poets Café, the place where Jazzy people go to get their "Shine On." While sitting in the audience, back row center, among the world's finest jam-packed Jazz lovers crowd, I was completely blown away by the superb talent, coupled with Rome Neal's legendary mouthwatering Banana Puddin'. So amazingly delicious, people were savoring the flavor by licking their lips for more.

Not five—but six Dynamic Duet Couples, accompanied by the Burt Eckoff Trio, took spectators to majestic heights during the twilight hours. Banana Puddin' Jazz Duets in December lit up the place with star-studded performances so earth-shattering that T.S. Monk magically appeared, sitting on the edge of his seat, looking like he was ready to "Gimmie the Good Life. "Gimmie the Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, Vie. Rome Neal and Lolita Turner got the party started right, and had patrons beckoning for "Just a Little Lovin," while piercing lyrics from Dennis Day and Bonzella Lewis, "Gave Me Fever All Through the Night." Powerfully strong pipes filled our hearts with unspeakable joy, as Michael Leland and Victoria Greco reached their melodious peak right before our very eyes—both looking as stunning as the dress she wore. I wonder what is Victoria's secret?

The artistic quickness from the violinists, Charisa Dowe and Majid Khaliq, pumped up the volume and made the strings sing with a charismatic twist. Charisa's right hand swayed in a circular motion, while her sultry voice scat and chitchat back to the animated solo instruments. Majid's magnificent original arrangement left everyone in complete awe of him. Judi Silvano and Andrea Wolper jelled well together. Their high energy performance made the audience's shoulders touched the ceiling from the good feeling they were having. Carol Leven and Charles Pulliman's artistic presentation left me speechless, and made an indelible impression on us.

While changing the tempo a bit, Rome Neal and Phynjuar doubled our pleasure by taking time out to celebrate the birthday of Banana Puddin' Jam past sponsor, Melody Burns. More radiant than the sun or fullness of moon, was the high Melody got when Rome presented her with an unexpected candlelight Banana Puddin' treat. He displayed her KINI IBURA Jewelry Shop AD on the Nuyorican Poets Cafe big screen. And then, Rome and Phynjuar serenaded her with his signature piece. "Here's to life, here's to love, here's to you."

During the Open-Mic Jam session, Glo left us smiling "In the Glow of Love." Rhythmic Jazzy Poets recited, "Lord, Why Did You Make Me Black?" by RuNett Nia Ebo. John sang with great profound depth, "For All We Know" by Donny Hathaway.

"For all we know, we may never meet again.
Before you go, make this moment sweet again.
We won't say good night until the last minute.
I'll hold out my hand and my heart will be in it.
For all we know this may only be a dream.
We come and we go like the ripples of a stream.
So love me, love me tonight. Tomorrow was made for some.
Tomorrow may never come,
For all we know."

Rebecca McFadden, Poet / Author
of the book: Strong Enough For A Man

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